The Beatles Lover Weekend Guide to Liverpool


Calling all Beatles lovers! This one is for you.

Liverpool is a beautiful city known for being the home of one of the most famous bands in the world, The Beatles. As someone with a dad who is one of the biggest Beatles fans, there was no way I could have him fly all the way across the ocean to visit me and not take him here.

While Liverpool does have more to offer than just The Beatles, the purpose of our trip was to hit all of the Fab Four hotspots. Read on for the must-sees and dos for any Beatles superfan.

 1. Book a spot on the Magical Mystery Bus Tour


The Magical Mystery Bus Tour was the easiest way to see a large amount of important Beatles locations in a short amount of time (the tour is 2 hours long). It was seriously worth every single penny (£20 per person). For more info, and to buy tickets, click here!

The tour hits some of the major locations any fan would want to see: Penny Lane and Strawberry Field. But it also hits on some locations you wouldn’t be able to figure out without a tour: Childhood homes of Ringo Star, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, St. Peter’s Church Hall (where John & Paul met for the first time) and the Fab Four’s former schools.

Our tour guide also told us that one time, Paul McCartney happened to be home when the tour came through, and he came out and said hi to everyone. What a dream come true.

As someone who personally prefers to self-guide and avoid group tours, this tour is one I would highly recommend. At the end of the tour, it drops you off at Matthew Street so you can visit other major Beatle’s sites like The Cavern Club (free admission included with your Magical Mystery ticket). Which leads me to….

2. Listen to live music at the Cavern Club


Take advantage of the free admission to the Cavern Club for an afternoon of drinks and live music. And of course, a lot of the musicians cover The Beatles!

3. Grab a drink at The Grapes


Located across the street from the Cavern Club is The Grapes. The Beatles used to hang out at this bar every night before their shows at the club.

You can sit at the table that the Beatles favored (which is kindly pointed out by a huge mural on the wall that says “The Beatles Sat Here.” However, it’s kind of a creepy story because apparently the Beatles enjoyed that specific table because they could peak into the women’s bathroom to get glimpses of them changing.

4. Learn even more about The Beatles at The Beatles Story Museum


The museum walks you through Beatles history from the very beginning. Each room covers a different time of their story with very impressive displays and memorabilia.

For more info, and to buy tickets, click here!

5. Pose with The Beatles Statue


You’ll probably want to make your way down to the pier head on any trip to Liverpool, as the area is beautiful with lots to see and do. However, for the Beatles fan in you, it’s important to stop here so you can pose with this iconic tribute to the band.

There are a few hidden details you should watch out for while you’re there:

  • Ringo Starr has an ‘8’ printed into the sole of his boot which is a nod to his childhood postcode in Liverpool (L8).

  • John Lennon is holding two acorns in his hand, referencing the two acorns that Yoko and John sent to 123 world leads in 1969, asking for them to be planted as living sculptures as a symbol of world peace.  

  • Paul McCartney is holding a camera in his hand, referencing his relationship with photographer, Linda Eastman.

  • George Harrison has Sanskrit writing on the belt of his coat, a nod to his interest in Indian spirituality.

6. Stay at the Hard Day’s Night Hotel

I insisted that we stay at the famous, Beatles themed hotel to fully pull together the experience for my dad. And I’m so glad I did. The hotel was absolutely amazing, decorated with a huge collection of memorabilia and each room with a different Beatles theme. It’s also perfectly located adjacent to Matthew Street. For more info, and to book a room, click here!

Fun Story: while we were waiting for my parents in the lobby one afternoon, we overheard a lady sitting next to us talking to a couple. She grabbed our attention because she was talking about John, Ringo, George and Paul as if she knew the with stories such as how she used to save their hair from haircuts to mail to fans in the Fanclub. Turns out, it was Freda Kelly who was secretary to the Beatles from 1962 until 1973.

7. Explore Liverpool

Of course, Liverpool is much more than just the home of The Beatles. Make sure you check-out the other things the city has to offer such as The Royal Albert Dock, The British Music Experience, Liverpool Cathedral, and The Maritime Museum. Unfortunately, since we only had two days and we prioritized The Beatles sites over others, we didn’t get to see much of anything else this visit. But, there is always next time!