How to Travel Stress-Free This Holiday Season!


It’s officially the holiday season, and you know what that means… lots of travel! Airports will be crowded, traffic will be crazy and suitcase room is always limited! Whether you’ll be heading home for the holidays, or jet setting off to a tropical island for some well-deserved relaxation – don’t let the packing process stress you out! Read on for my packing tips to alleviate stressful holiday travel!

1. Make sure your carry-on bag is the right size. Don’t be that person who tries to bring their oversized suitcase on the plane and INSISTS that it will fit. Check your airlines carry-on requirements to make sure your bag doesn’t exceed their limits.

2. Plan your outfits before you pack. Make sure to pack some items that can be worn with multiple outfits (like a cardigan) so you don’t have to pack as many clothing items. Once you have all of your outfits planned, wear your heaviest items on the plane so you have extra room in your bag.

3. Pack volatile pairs of shoes. To save room in your bag, only pack two pairs of shoes. One that you wear on the plane, and one in your suitcase. Make sure that both pairs can be worn with the outfits you pack.  

4. Know what you can and can’t bring on the plane in advance. There are the obvious restrictions such as weapons, but did you know that if you can’t bring a Galaxy Note 7 cellphone on the plane. Knowing the guidelines of what you can bring will save SO much time getting through security. To see TSA’s full list of what you can bring, click here.

5. Use noise cancelling headphones. This is an absolute must, especially if you have difficulty focusing. Block out the noise of crying babies, or the extra talkative person next to you with one of the best noise cancelling headphones from 2017.

6. Utilize your personal item. Did you know that your personal item can be a purse, suitcase or backpack? Utilize that space to pack smaller items that you may not have been able to fit in your carry-on bag such as extra socks or a sweatshirt.  

7. Pack a book. There is usually a lot of downtime on a big travel day in the airport. Pack a book to read when you’re waiting to board, if you’re plane gets delayed or on the plane itself. I just finished The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and highly recommend it!

8. Be patient. This is probably the most important tip I have. Traveling can be overwhelming and stressful for everyone. Don’t make matters worse by yelling at the airline employees because your plane is delayed or at the person who slowed down the security line because they didn’t know they had to take their shoes off.

Happy Holidays and Safe Travels!

Looking for a holiday playlist for your upcoming travels? Click here for my 2017 Holiday Playlist!